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用一句话概括:新的4020会让过去10年内申请过澳洲签证、并且提交过‘错误或误导信息(False or Misleading Information)’、或‘虚假材料 (Bogus Documents)’的所有签证申请人,在递交新的澳洲签证申请时被拒签。

4020条款 Public Interest Criteria是在2011年被加入澳洲移民法的,目的是为了保证签证申请材料的真实性和信息的准确性。对于提供虚假材料信息的签证申请人,惩罚性的限制其申请新的澳洲签证,其原文如下:


1)  There is no evidence before the Minister that the applicant has given, or caused to be given, to the Minister, an officer, the Tribunal during the review of a Part 5-reviewable decision, a relevant assessing authority or a Medical Officer of the Commonwealth, a bogus document or information that is false or misleading in a material particular in relation to:

(a)  the application for the visa; or

(b)  a visa that the applicant held in the period of 12 months before the application was made.

(2)  The Minister is satisfied that during the period:

(a)  starting 3 years before the application was made; and

(b)  ending when the Minister makes a decision to grant or refuse to grant the visa;

the applicant and each member of the family unit of the applicant has not been refused a visa because of a failure to satisfy the criteria in subclause (1).

(3)  To avoid doubt, subclauses (1) and (2) apply whether or not the Minister became aware of the bogus document or information that is false or misleading in a material particular because of information given by the applicant.

(4)  The Minister may waive the requirements of any or all of paragraphs (1)(a) or (b) and subclause (2) if satisfied that:

(a)  compelling circumstances that affect the interests of Australia; or

(b)  compassionate or compelling circumstances that affect the interests of an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen;

justify the granting of the visa.

(5)  In this clause:

information that is false or misleading in a material particular means information that is:

(a)  false or misleading at the time it is given; and

(b)  relevant to any of the criteria the Minister may consider when making a decision on an application, whether or not the decision is made because of that information.

Note: For definition of bogus document, see subsection 5(1) of the Act.

Public Interest Criteria的行文逻辑这样的:4020本身要求澳洲签证申请本人在过去申请澳洲签证记录中没有提供过误导信息或虚假信息和材料。而当你递交新的澳洲签证申请时,在相关的签证的条款里会写明:你的申请需要满足Public Interest Criteria 4020条款。比如,820配偶移民的相关法律条款820.224是这么写的:


(1)  Each member of the family unit of the applicant who is an applicant for a Subclass 820 visa is a person who:

(c)  satisfies public interest criterion 4020.




小A申请189技术移民,提交了工作经验加分,但工作经验被查出是假的。这时候,他会收到移民局按移民法第57条的正式通知(s.57 Natural Justice Letter),给他28天内解释的时间期限。他有两个选择:解释或撤签。选择解释的话,如果通过了则万事大吉;如果因此被拒签了,4020条款会导致他在未来3年内不能再申请绝大部分的澳洲签证,除非他将4020豁免掉。另外,他还可以选择撤消掉该签证,这样就可以避免4020的影响,重新递交一个没有提供工作经验信息的189签证申请。这份新的189申请是可以通过的,由于之前他没有因提供虚假材料而导致签证被拒签,拒签的这个结果没有发生,而是撤掉了;而新的189签证申请里没有使用这个虚假信息,所以,他不会被4020影响。

小B申请820配偶移民,递交820之前他持有的是2016年获批给他的500学生签证,在学生签证之前,他在2012年持有过3个月的600旅游签证。在他之前600旅游签证申请时,他的婚姻状况是离婚。但因为当初协助小B办理600旅游签证的旅行社担心:如果移民局得知小B 是离婚状况可能会拒签,在600旅游签证申请就填写了已婚。在申请820签证的过程中,移民局发现当初他的600签证申请是填写的已婚,是误导信息。小B 的500学生签证里没有提供任何误导信息或虚假信息和材料。由于600签证不是在12个月之内过期的,小B 的820签证不会因600申请里的误导信息被拒签。


4020的触发机制是: ‘提供了虚假材料的签证申请’被批准或拒签,而中途撤掉的签证不算在内。


Paragraph 4020(1)(b) of Schedule 4 Omit “in the period of 12 months”, substitute “or applied for, in the period of 10 years”.

这里有两个可怕的坑:一个很明显是12个月变成10年;另一个则隐晦一些,但实际更可怕,那就是:加入了‘applied for’,意味着即使你撤掉了签证,依然会被影响。


1)  There is no evidence before the Minister that the applicant has given, or caused to be given, to the Minister, an officer, the Tribunal during the review of a Part 5-reviewable decision, a relevant assessing authority or a Medical Officer of the Commonwealth, a bogus document or information that is false or misleading in a material particular in relation to:

(a)  the application for the visa; or

(b)  a visa that the applicant held, or applied for, in the period of 10 years before the application was made.



David Gu,法学会认证的移民法专家律师提醒:

新的4020会导致很多未来新的澳洲签证申请遭遇拒签、以及3年不能申请新的澳洲签证的问题。之前所有曾经收到过s.57 Natural Justice Letter、并且被援引了4020问题,且后来选择撤销签证的签证申请人,在以后申请新的澳洲签证时,非常有可能会面临4020问题。所以,过去历史的遗留问题需要现在面对。





