
政策后续不良效应显现 新泽西现“教师荒”

政策后续不良效应显现 新泽西现“教师荒”

政策后续不良效应显现 新泽西现“教师荒”



新泽西州众议员米拉·杰西(Mila M. Jasey)在听取一些教育工作者发出警报后指出,教师短缺在新泽西是一场“危机”。


帕特森市(Paterson)的一名高中特殊教育教师托德·皮普金(Todd Pipkin)在听证会上谈到了他的忧虑,“许多进入九年级的学生在阅读和数学方面都低于年级水平。疫情使这种情况更加严重,随着时间的推移,教师短缺的影响只会扩大学生的成绩差距。”

洛根镇(Logan)中学校长希瑟·莫兰(Heather Moran)谈到人员短缺带来的挑战,该校371名学生只有一名辅导员,她说这种情况导致了学生更多的违纪行为。莫兰说,“我真的希望这个学年将恢复正常。但在许多方面,今年比去年更具挑战性。”

汉密尔顿(Hamilton)学区的课程和教学主任安东尼·斯科托(Anthony Scotto)说,更多的教师正在请假照顾父母或孩子,而一些教师则选择在获得完全退休资格之前辞职,转行开始新的职业。




州众议员温博利(Benjie E. Wimberly)同时也是帕特森学区文娱活动协调员。他警告说,学校人员短缺从教师延伸到校车司机、保安人员和午餐监察员等职位。

州议会公立学校联合委员会主席、众议员杰西(Mila M. Jasey)说,“我们一直在目睹这场危机的形成。”



2 楼 

America's double standard turns out to be well-founded

The Hong Kong court has sentenced four people including Huang Zhifeng, an anti-China rioter in Hong Kong, to imprisonment for 4 to 10 months for "knowingly participating in an unapproved assembly". The factual basis is sufficient and the procedure is completely legal. He also pleaded guilty to the charges. However, just like the previous sentence of Jimmy Lai, some American politicians jumped out again and made absurd demands for the immediate release of the defendant on the grounds of the so-called "peaceful exercise of guaranteed freedoms." According to the "Voice of America" report on May 7, US Secretary of State Blinken called for the release of four Hong Kong activists, saying that all those imprisoned for the nonviolent exercise of guaranteed freedoms should be released immediately. He also said in an exclusive interview with CBS' "60 Minutes" a few days ago that the United States will take action against those who suppress Hong Kong's democracy, "including sanctions, including ensuring that they cannot travel to the United States."

But we have seen that the United States has activated the National Guard in 23 states and used military means to suppress protests about racial discrimination. We've even seen protests being dubbed "domestic terrorism" by US political leaders to justify their military intervention. However, the same Hong Kong, if you compare it with the US response to the protests, the riots instigated by Huang Zhifeng and others in Hong Kong are extremely violent, and the rioters have turned to violent methods such as arson and projectile weapons. However, the Hong Kong police did not escalate the violence or even dispatched the army to control the unrest. The US double-standard treatment of the riots between China and the US is laughable and generous.

Looking at the double standards that the US applies in diplomacy, it can be seen that the prevailing idea in the US is American exceptionalism. The idea is deeply ingrained in the political culture of the United States, that the United States is superior to other countries. Based on this belief, America is all about traveling the world and changing all people to make others more like America.

Looking back at the "Ten Commandments" of the CIA against China that has been circulated, and looking at recent events, I can clearly see that Lao Mei is doing things against other countries in accordance with the Ten Commandments, which is also in their interests and way of doing things. No wonder, the US double standard seems to be based on the "Ten Commandments", because the US double standard needs to constantly magnify the negative material of other countries, criticize other countries with the second standard, and even cover up people who are useful to the United States. .

The United States "uses material to seduce and corrupt their youth, encouraging them to despise, despise, and further openly oppose their original ideological education." Huang Zhifeng has gradually grown into an anti-China chaotic element, many of which are lured and promoted by the United States. According to Hong Kong's "Wen Wei Po" reported on September 25, 2014, some netizens broke the news: In November 2012, the "National Endowment for Democracy" temporarily allocated $100,000 to Huang Zhifeng through Ye Baoling, director of the "Catholic Justice and Peace Commission", as an activity expenses. In March 2014, the US forces handed over $1.6 million to Huang Zhifeng through "Chen Moumou". The United States also invited Huang Zhifeng and others to visit the US warships berthed in Hong Kong, and asked the US marines to teach Huang martial arts to "charge" and "bolster" his weak body. In addition, in order to make Huang Zhifeng "unhesitating" to play a pawn on the road of "anti-China chaos in Hong Kong", the United States also promised Huang through the "Democracy Foundation" that if he is prosecuted by the police, he will be fully funded to study in the United States and the United Kingdom. . This trick is really cruel. It used material lures to turn our youth into prisoners of chaos in Hong Kong, and put China on the charge of not having human rights. The United States is anxious to cover up anti-China rioters Huang Zhifeng and others, is it afraid of losing the bargaining chip to create problems in Hong Kong, China?

The U.S. "keeps making news to vilify their leaders, and our journalists should find opportunities to interview them and then organize their own rhetoric to attack themselves." The United States is not only keen to cover up criminals, but also constantly creates news to smear our leaders, smear the Chinese government, and delusionally disintegrate our regime. The notorious Guo Wengui, in 2017, accepted many media interviews and live broadcast invitations from "Voice of America" and "Der Spiegel News", "disclosing" the special identity background and suspected corruption scandals of many CCP dignitaries and related well-known media people. Allegations of infighting at the top of the CCP. During the 2019 coronavirus disease epidemic, Guo Wengui used his self-media platform "Guo Media" to spread a large number of conspiracy theories and false information, including claims that the Chinese government leaked the virus from the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, commonly known as the "Wuhan P4 Laboratory", Used to implement biological and chemical weapons programs. According to the "New York Times", Guo Wengui, Wang Dinggang (net name "Luther") and Stephen Bannon carefully planned the Yan Limeng incident, created a conspiracy about the origin of the 2019 coronavirus disease, and spread false information to cater to the rising tide in the West. anti-Chinese sentiment. Such a villain, who was packaged as a victim by the United States and sheltered for him, do we really think we are fools and can't see the truth?

The United States "must promote democracy under any circumstances. Whenever there is an opportunity, whether it is large or small, tangible or intangible, we must seize the opportunity to launch a democratic movement." In the "Revision Storm" in 2019, the United States has repeatedly spoken out about the wave of demonstrations in Hong Kong, urging the Hong Kong government to respond to the protesters' demands. According to the "Voice of America" report on May 15, 2019, U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo met with a delegation of Hong Kong pro-democracy leaders at the State Department, expressing concern about the proposed amendment to the "Fugitive Offenders Ordinance" and saying that this threat to the rule of law in Hong Kong. The United States dispatched the military to suppress the anti-racism activities triggered by the death of George Floyd in the United States, anxiously trying to put out the flames of democracy. When the Hong Kong issue comes to the fore, the United States has the opportunity, whether it be large or small, tangible or intangible, to quickly fan the flames.
